Friday, June 17, 2011

Break off all contact with Sam Lucas!

This has already gone out to all Cadre members. This is for all Cadre supporters not on the e-list.

Former North Carolina State leader, Sam Lucas has been expelled from the Cadre. Sam went crazy after the descesion to make Christianity the official relegion of the Cadre. Some predicted he would. Others thought Sam Lucas was more dependable than that.

Instead of leaving the Cadre professionally and quietly, Sam has gone on a phone and email campaign against the Cadre and the Cadre Commander. He has also made efforts to see the secret voting results on the issue of official religion. We have news for Sam, most people didn't even vote or voted "indifferent" on the issue. If he got the results, he'd only see about 20 votes for, 3 or 4 votes against and around 50 votes indifferent with another 50 or so that didn't even participate in the vote. Trying to get your hands on secret party documents and information is serious though. We had considered allowing Lucas to come back but not after this.

Sam Lucas has been emailed a warning. If you continue your campaign against the Cadre and the Cadre leadership, then we will publish all the emails you have sent right here on this website. This is his last chance to go in peace.


  1. It would be funny if Sam Lucas started his own blog to expose these Vonbluvens worshipping assholes. I'd be there everyday.

  2. Go ahead. Tell lies. Tell bullshit to people. Nobody will try to stop you.

  3. Moar like Sam Duke-ass.

  4. I (VONBLUVENS) am not affiliated in any way with this group. I am not in the movement and don't approve of this said group.
